Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Take heart! I have overcome the WORLD

I decided to share an entry I have in one of my inspirational, life journals. I love reading back on things that I have written, especially things that are from my heart because often times I forget these epiphanies I have had during stressful times!

November 2, 2010

" Even though all these things may happen, hurt, or go wrong in my life, God is always good and has huge magnificent plans for my life because we have an endless, powerful love story. I must never forget that He wants the best for me because He loves me more then I can imagine. When tough times come, and I feel like I am helpless, I must remember my greatest weapon is worship.

My worth and value comes from God alone. He is tender hearted and wants me just like I want to feel loved.

' If you continue to do whats right, what's wrong and who's wrong will eventually leave your life.'
- David Blunt "

I hope this can help anyone whose heart might be hurting , or feels alone. I've learned that life is truly such a roller coaster and when we go through difficult times it's really important to remember positive things to lift our spirits and surround ourselves with love(people, God, etc)!

During hard times it's very easy to lose perspective, or what should really matter. I would recommend to write down any happy, inspirational, or positive thing that comes to mind so that when you walk through a darker period in life you can be reminded of happy and true things!

One of my Favorite bible verses is : " In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

Is it not so encouraging to know that God wants to let us know that HE has overcome the world..meaning all our struggles, pain, and hardships. Him saying this obviously means that hes aware of life being far from perfect, but none the less loves us and fights for us!


  1. very true, that is one of my favorite verses. it is very encouraging...

  2. I am so thankful that no matter what the tribulation (trouble) He is still in charge!
